Tag: figure

Diy figure stand for animation and aerial posing
Here’s a quick tip for better action and flying poses- Use leftover parts or reassemble another Mo figure to build your own diy figure stand.
ModiBot at Maker Faire New York: Flash back to year 1
ModiBot at Maker Faire New York in 2013- Featuring a rare shot of the 16 inch ModiBot Mo on display as we were starting to set up the booth. This was the first event that we sold Mo kits to the public and was about 2 weeks before we started shipping the first batch of figures. […]
3d printed,
3d printing,
Maker Faire,
New York Maker Faire,

Go, Go, Mo! Let’s keep spreading the word!
We’re at 38% of our funding goal at almost 3 days in. ModiBot Mo on Kickstarter. Pick your favorite color figure color and add your choice of a 3d printed hero accessory sets- starting at $26.

Lot’s ‘o ‘bots! Unpacking video
Lot’s ‘o ‘bots! Here’s a quick ‘hands-on’ video from the awesome batch of proto parts I got in the mail on Weds. I’m going to make more of an effort to do these more often. Its the best way to see the parts and their basic function. (Source:
3d printed,
3d printing,
diy action figure,
Figure Kits,

Intro to Moli- the female ModiBot
Out of the way, Mo! Welcome, Moli, to the ModiBot figure family. We could certainly use a bit of feminine flair around this place. Check out her page at our Shapeways BotShop See more picks at Flickr

ModiBot X: Compatible with Xevoz accessories
Finally got some time to shoot pics for ModiBot X’s product page at Shapeways. Here are some of the highlights using some existing parts to show cross-comaptiblility with many of the Xevoz accessories. I stopped short of switching out body parts because we all know how you can get sucked into mixing and matching to […]

ModiBot on YouTube
After meeting with Drew Bennett from the other day, he suggested posting a video of me putting the newest kit together. That dude is smart about the blogsphere, so I threw one up. I guess I’ll see if I can drop this into my Hex model page on Shapeways, also.
ModiBot Logo
One more step in the process, BEHOLD the ‘essentialist’ logo! Not the most jazzy thing in the world, but playful, retro, and most importantly, done. Generated a couple QR codes for the future and sites.
ModiBot Core figure kit Ver1
Stoked! Last night, I finished putting a whole kit together, posted it to Shapeways and ordered two full figures. Oh, yeah. Matched up the parts pretty well (all with new X ball design, open sockets, and cruciform shafts). Just noticed that I didn’t cruciform the wrists on my hand parts, but that will have to […]
Complete posable figure
Big Balls. That’s a problem. Another round of parts. This time I upped the ball size to create more tension in the joint. That definitely worked, maybe a bit too well, so I’m going to bring the ball back down a bit. The one nice and unexpected side effect of the bigger ball is that […]
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