Tag: design

10 DIY tips for sculpting custom character parts with ModiBot
ModiBot has become a critical starting point for many people's creative projects, including stopmotion animation, scene photography, custom action figures, and both digital and hands-on character design. More and more, creators want to design and sculpt their own ModiBot-compatible parts. This is the best place to start. 1. Match the correct ModiBot kit to your sculpting material Not all ModiBots work with certain materials. Once you have determined what material you'd like to sculpt with, it's best to choose the ModiBot kit that supports sculpting that those materials. **Its possible that there is no ModiBot kit to support the material you are most familiar with. CAUTION: Avoid using oil or plastic-based clays with the classic MO kit because these will make the plastic...

ModiBot embed test for Shapeways and Tinkercad
here is a short blub for testing
3d printed,
3d printing,

Character design template for download
Character Design Template for ModiBot Mo figure kit Evey great story is built upon the foundation of great characters, but memorable characters don’t just grow on trees, they are crafted to tell that specific story that is held within them. The prospect of their personal growth and subsequent adventures are hidden there just below the […]
Sketchfab ModiRaptor model viewer
ModiRaptor by KidMechano on Sketchfab The full ModiRaptor Model up for viewing at Shortlink- Trying to get all the full figure kits up for easy viewing for BotShoppers
3d printed,
3d printing,
Figure Kits,
ModiBot Mo in Sketchfab’s 3d viewer
ModiBot Mo: Venture Figure by KidMechano on Sketchfab ModiBot Mo- 3D viewer embed- Click the above arrow to spin, zoom and tumble Mo in 3D. There’s a nice little tool set for embeds, social media, and fullscreen mode on the bottom row of buttons We’ll be posting more of our figure kits for viewing on […]
ModiBot Logo
One more step in the process, BEHOLD the ‘essentialist’ logo! Not the most jazzy thing in the world, but playful, retro, and most importantly, done. Generated a couple QR codes for the future and sites.
ModiBot Core figure kit Ver1
Stoked! Last night, I finished putting a whole kit together, posted it to Shapeways and ordered two full figures. Oh, yeah. Matched up the parts pretty well (all with new X ball design, open sockets, and cruciform shafts). Just noticed that I didn’t cruciform the wrists on my hand parts, but that will have to […]
Possible improvements
Since we’re running with this whole ‘constant beta’ mentality that is being discussed a lot in the start-up world, here’s a few new updated parts. I’ve already shifted many around, taken some down and hopefully made the system better and robust at every turn. Kaizen has worked out pretty well for the Japanese, right? I […]
Delayed gratification
In the product world, it takes a long time to get product to shelf, but you are trying to put so many items through the pipeline that you don’t have a lot of time to ‘sit around’ waiting for something to show up. I got my 3rd round of parts in the mail today. Once […]
So, I finally got my first batch of parts, more than a week past my scheduled delivery. It was really exciting to open the box. I had no idea what to expect. The parts were three pairs of upper arms shot in two different materials. It was pretty apparent which material to move forward in, […]
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