
Tag: prototype

Behind the scenes: Unboxing 3d printed product sets for restock

Behind the scenes: Unboxing 3d printed product sets for restock

People seem to wonder how the whole ModiBot thing works. I get a lot of questions- Why do the materials feel different on different items? Which items are 3d printed? Which are not? Do you print them yourself? Can I print items in this same material? Why do some items run out of stock so quickly? As I am restocking items, I figured I'd do my own unboxing and tell you a bit about how ModiBot utilizes 3d printing to bring you items that normally wouldn't be available. Using 3D print services ModiBot was initially designed and prototyped using 3d printing. I launched the first system parts, which looked very different, on around October of 2011. I use a combination of...

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ModiBot Core figure kit Ver1

Stoked! Last night, I finished putting a whole kit together, posted it to Shapeways and ordered two full figures. Oh, yeah. Matched up the parts pretty well (all with new X ball design, open sockets, and cruciform shafts). Just noticed that I didn’t cruciform the wrists on my hand parts, but that will have to […]

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