
I’ve been doodling on a mechanical figure platform for about the last 5 years. It continues to evolve, but its founded in my love of figure systems- from Micronauts to Lego to Centurions to Xevoz (of course). I miss the days when figure lines were built around a single figure and the fun was accessorizing him in a lot of new add-on kits.  GI Joe/Action Man and Barbie started this way.

So, I’m starting an exploration of the intersection of figures and construction kits. The larger goal is to create a larger play platform and bringing it to market in a very streamlined fashion using craft-scale processes and product-on-demand/fabrication platforms like Shapeways and Ponoko.

In the next couple of weeks, I’ll post some pics of my first attempts at parts. Some of it will feel familiar and, as I start to familiarize myself with 3d modelling, will start pushing into some new realms. I’m interested to see where this ends up. It should be a lot of fun.

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