Tag: Kidmechano

New Chrono Commander figure expands ModiBot's ExoSkin build system
A fresh new direction As many of you have seen over the past year in my social posts, I have been tinkering with the ExoSkin figure format. The first iteration created a lot of excitement, but after a couple years of playing with it and talking to the community, it was clear that there were some real opportunities for improvement. How could it be better? That question pushed me back to some of the core foundations of the ModiBot build system. It had to offer more, but needed to align and build upon the core values and connector options of the original Mo kit. Its easy too rat-hole with so many opportunities, so I created a short list of broad design...
ModiBot featured in Shapeways Designer Spotlight
Huge props from Shapeways about Mo & Co. Nice short interview and home page coverage starting weds.,-3D-Printed-Toy-Designer.html
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